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Win Media

The WinMedia offers fast-paced ingest and production tools that simplify users jobs. Designed for convergence, they allow users to ingest and produce content for Radio, TV, Web and mobile in a single system.

Win Media. Radio & TV Software Suite

Ingest & Production

Fast-paced ingest and production tools that simplify users jobs. Designed for convergence. Produce content for Radio, TV, Web and mobile in a single system.

Transfer & Networking

Sharing infrastructure, equipment and human resources across multiple Radio or TV networks sites

On Air Playout

Renowned for its reliability, On-air is designed with advanced flexibility and rock-solid performance to ensure your radio station is on air and sounding great at all times.

Scheduling Ads

covers all your advertising scheduling, offers advanced Customer Relationship Management and Yield Management capabilities.


Designed from the ground up to make scheduling a breeze.  offers all the tools you need to effectively build even the most complex broadcast schedules  from a single system.

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